7 Minute Mom Makeup

Let's be real, we all want to look our best, but when your toddler will start tearing apart the house if you are occupied for more than 10 minutes it is our appearance that gets neglected. There are always times that you have to look presentable and a 7 minute makeup routine is a game changer! Girl you can do it, you can make time for you. It is amazing what putting on a little bit of makeup does for my mood and makes me feel ready for the day. I work full time and have a busy 2 year old, if I can do highlight and contour in less that 10 minutes, you can too! 

I have been using Maskcara HAC (highlight and Contour) makeup for almost a year now and I absolutely love it! It has given me more time in the morning to sleep in . . . lol, ya right! I have a toddler!! But it does give me a few more minutes to spend with my family before we all run off in different directions. 

Check out my easy routine. If you think this looks like something you want let me help you get color matched!