Easy two ingredient face mask

I have tried a lot of face masks, expensive ones and cheap ones. They never seem to deliver on what they promise. Maybe I have high expectations, but I have always thought of face masks as a reset, they get my skin perfectly hydrated and help clear pores and help heal blemishes. Otherwise, what the heck is the point, I’m a mom I don’t have time for something that isn’t gonna get me rockin’ in 15 minuets or less. I also am not a spa girl, not because I don’t want to go to a spa, but because it’s that or buying groceries for the month. I think my family would prefer to eat. 

Enter the best face mask ever. This bad boy is hydrating, fights clogged pores, acne and aging and you probably have the ingredients in your pantry right now. Yep, no loading the kids in the car to search for the magical ingredients or logging into Amazon Prime to get them here tomorrow. What are these ingredients? Honey and Baking Soda, yep that’s right you don’t even have to put down your wine to go look. 

Benefits of Honey

Honey is truly magical, this yummy liquid gold made by bees also has amazing benefits for your skin. Honey is an antioxidant, anti inflammatory, has antibacterial properties and according to Women’s Health is something called a natural humectant, meaning that is draws moisture out of thin air. How cool is that! What does all this mean for you? Honey will reduce the look of blemishes and scars, fight bacteria that causes acne and pull moisture out of thin air for your skin to absorb. The anti oxidants and enzymes naturally fight the appearance of aging. 

What’s the catch? Ok, so there is a very small catch, it has to be raw honey. So you may have to set your wine down and double check on that. Sorry. Pasteurized honey is heated and that process will take some of those awesome things out of your honey. Look for raw honey in the grocery store. I generally stock up on local honey during the summer at my farmers market. 

Benefits of Baking Soda

Baking soda is another awesome staple with so many uses. We use baking soda tooth paste for the same reason that you would want to use it on your face it has natural antibacterial properties that fight bacteria in your mouth that cause tooth decay and will fight it on your skin to prevent acne. The other benenfit of baking soda is that it is alkaline and our skin is naturally alkaline as well, so if your pH is out of wack it will get you back on track. If you are interested to know more about it you can learn about the benefits and risks of baking soda for skincare from an actual health professional on HealthLine

Honey Face Mask Recipe

It’s easy and I generally just eyeball it so don’t worry about being super exact. I also only make this in small batches when I need it, because there is a chemical reaction and after a few days you will want to whip up a new batch. You might want to adjust to make smaller or larger batches depending on you needs. 


You will need a small glass jar with a lid, baby food jars are perfect, but any small jar with a lid would work. A popsicle stick, spoon or your finger for mixing (wash your hands first you dirty girl). A tablespoon and a teaspoon for measuring.

2 tablespoons Honey

1 teaspoon Baking Soda


Add the honey and baking soda to the glass jar, mix until combined. The mixture will start to react and look light in color and create a foamy honey mixture. The longer you let it sit the more it will react and grow. I like to wait 15 to 30 minutes for the mixture to double in size before use. 


To apply simply scoop some out of the jar and smooth over clean skin. Don’t rub this mixture into your skin (if you read 5 Skincare Lessons I Learned in My 30s, you know I don’t like abrasive exfoliators) baking soda is abrasive and can scratch your skin, so be gentle and smooth it on in thick strokes. Leave on for 5 to 10 minutes and rinse off with warm water and a wash cloth. 


Be advised this is made out of honey that will heat on your skin and become liquid, so don’t wear your favorite shirt or the blazer you are planning on giving a presentation in at work.

Enjoy your beautiful skin!




Easy two ingredient face mask