It is yummy even for a cheese lover!

I really love cheese, no I mean I really love cheese! Mac n’ cheese, quesadilla, grilled cheese . . . . Mmmmmmm!
OK so, I guess I love noodles, tortillas and bread too!
So when we found out that my daughter (at 2 months old) had food intolerance to dairy and wheat it was difficult for me to picture what our lives would be like. I just kept thinking she will grow out of it! She’s got to grow out of it! That hasn’t happened! (How did you know, you ask? Check out my post on our reasons for going gluten free/dairy free)

So here is where we are now, I’m making good old comfort food and we are loving it! Our grocery bill is a bit higher than the average American, but I have a healthy happy girl so totally worth it!

Plus I made gluten free dairy free grilled cheese today and it was good! Not “it was good for . . “ but actually good!

Gluten Free Dairy Free Grilled Cheese

1 Tbl Earth Balance Buttery Spread

2 Slices Canyon Bakehouse 7 grain bread

1 Slice Chao Vegan Cheese

Additions - we added some left over roast beef, Green chilies are yummy too! Get creative!

Butter the bread, while you warm a skillet on medium low on the burner. Place 1 slice butter side down in the preheated pan and add the cheese and what ever additions you decide on. Top with slice number 2 butter side up. When the cheese starts to melt and the bread begins to brown, flip the sandwich to brown the other side. When that side is brown it is ready to devour! 

