Our reason for a gluten free, dairy free diet


When my daughter was about 2 months old she got a rash it started on her face and soon covered her whole body! She would start crying about 10am and not stop for the rest of the day and nothing would calm her down! So of course as a first time mother, I was crying constantly too!

I brought it up to our doctor and of course the rash had calmed down a bit, in time for our visit! He suggested we just wait it out, see if it gets any worse.
I turned to my Mom for advice and she reminded me the both my sister and I had intolerances to certain foods that she ate while breastfeeding.

So now I was on a mission to figure out what food it was my daughter couldn’t tolerate! I limited my diet to only things that were considered ‘non allergens’ (a lot of plain rice or potatoes with meat and a salad with a dash of oil and vinegar). Almost immediately the crying stoped! She was a whole new baby!! After 3 weeks the rash had disappeared!! I began adding thing slowly back into my diet.

Turns out any legumes (think beans and peas) caused crying and discomfort. But what seemed to cause the crying and the bumpy red rash - dairy and wheat!

The doctor said she would probably grow out of it, my research said most kids grow out of these intolerances by 9 to 12 months.
But here we are almost 2 1/2 years later and she can eat beans and peas but not dairy or wheat We are now a gluten free/ dairy free family ready or not!