Do You Want More From Your Light Coverage Foundation?

When you think about highlight and contour, do you automatically think full coverage?


I used to and then I found IIID foundation. I have always preferred a light or medium coverage to full coverage foundation. I always felt the more I cover up the less I look like me, I have freckles, so without freckles I am just not Megan. I used to watch YouTube highlight and contour tutorial, I always thought that it just wasn’t something I could do because I didn’t want full coverage. I also thought I want natural looking makeup and it didn’t seem like I could look natural and also highlight and contour.

I was so very wrong. Using creams, it is possible to get beautiful light coverage and highlight and contour. Contour makes your foundation look more natural. Covering up your whole face with one solid color is what looks unnatural.

Does this sound like you? Do you love a natural, light coverage look? Does a CC cream just not quite do it for you? I am with you!

Check out my video to see how I get beautiful light coverage, one layer highlight and contour that takes less than 10 minutes. It is all about cream, you can get the moisturizing of a CC cream with the natural shadows of contour by using the right brush.

Let me help you find the perfect colors for you! Tell me all about your skin and makeup goals and I will personalize your makeup to you CLICK HERE.

Get Your Dirty Brushes to Shine Like New

Restore Brush Cleaner

Restore Brush Cleaner

I used to dread brush cleaning days. So, I didn't do it very often, I put on makeup with dirty brushes. Ewwwe! As my daughter would say. Every time, I would get them wet, soap them up and rinse them off and the makeup would never come out on the first try, so it became a serious lather-rinse-repeat situation. Then you had wet brushes that you had to set out to dry for 12+ hours (24 if your house is as cold as mine in the winter). What do you do if your brush still isn't dry in the morning? Not to mention I once had a set of expensive brushes, that in my lather-rinse-repeat, I went a bit to heavy on the rinse and softened the glue. The hair started falling out slowly as I applied my makeup, until one morning a big clump fell out and that was the end of my expensive bushes. Waaaaaaah!

Enter the cleaner of my dreams, no more water, not more lather-rinse-repeat, no more hunching over the sink for what seemed like hours. Hello you magic bottle that smells like heaven and cleans better than Mary Popins.  

So how does this magic work? It is really to simple, grab your dirtiest brush, a couple paper towels and Restore Brush Cleaner. 


Spritz your brush with Restore


Swirl that bad boy on the paper towel


When you are not getting anymore makeup on the paper towel your done. Take a look at that brand new beauty. 



It is ready to use!! Yep, you read that right NO DRYING TIME!! Sorry I didn't mean to yell! I just get a bit excited about products that save me time and lots of lather-rinse-repeat. Also, did I mention that it conditions and sanitizes too! 

Here is the link to get yours now!! 


Happy Cleaning!