Easy Messy Space Buns Tutorial

Lately my hair has been up more than down. Instead of just tossing it up in a messy bun or a ponytail, I’ve been trying to make it look like I made an effort without actually making to much of an effort.

I just made it into my third trimester with baby number two and I am tired and sleeping in sounds way better than washing, drying and styling my hair. To be honest, I felt this way when I wasn’t pregnant, but lately stretching my hair into day 5 with out washing sounds even better. I even rocked 5 day hair for our family photos, seriously, this is a whole new level of lazy hair even for me. Can you tell??

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Perfectly Imperfect Holiday Gift Guide

If you are anything like me you usually skip Black Friday (okay, okay I maybe ordered a few things while on my couch in my PJs and okay those things might have been for me) only to start frantically searching for the perfect gifts for everyone else mid-December. I’ve always been a procrastinator and it really makes Christmas a stressful time for me. I may need a holiday shopping intervention! The last few years Santa has gotten me some really great gifts and if you are still wondering what to get your Mom or your Sister-in-law or your best friend, stop fretting I got you covered! Whether you want to spend $20 or $120 this gift guide has something she will love!

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Makeup You Can Do In the Car


When you are a Mom it seems like getting out the door is nearly impossible, it doesn't seem to matter if you are just running to the grocery store or going on a European vacation (Oh how I wish I was headed for a European Vacation!). There are melt downs and extreme aversion to a hair brush, lost shoes, forgotten necessities (aka a toy that has been sitting forgotten in the bottom of the toy box for the last six months!) and getting everyone to pee. Where in that madness is time for you to comb your hair and put on your makeup? Did you find an extra 30 minutes to make yourself presentable? 

Girl don't sweat it, make your husband drive and get yourself looking gorgeous in less that five minutes on your way. Or better yet, buckle/strap the kiddos in and do it in the parking lot of you destination. Or even in the MickyDee's drive through, get your makeup done, grab a extra large coffee and an egg McMuffin and a block of hash browns for the kids. I wont judge, in fact I might be a bit jealous, there isn't a MickyDee's within a 2 hour drive of my house.


Life is easier when my 2 year old is strapped in her car seat! Instead of me constantly peeking around corners and finding her riding the dog around the living room (kidding, sort of) she is strapped in and munching a banana. This little bit of piece of mind allows me to go from a 20 minute makeup routine to a 5 minute makeup routine.

Throw your hair up in a mom bun, get your kiddo to the car, flip down that visor mirror and get yourself looking gorgeous. It is easy when you only have 4 things to take with you. My compact holds my highlight, contour, blush, illuminator, bronzer, eye shadows and setting powder, so the only other things I have to take are my brush, mascara and setting spray. 

Take my color match quiz and let me help you get a single compact that holds it all. Make mornings stress free, strap in and get gorgeous! 

Get Your Dirty Brushes to Shine Like New

Restore Brush Cleaner

Restore Brush Cleaner

I used to dread brush cleaning days. So, I didn't do it very often, I put on makeup with dirty brushes. Ewwwe! As my daughter would say. Every time, I would get them wet, soap them up and rinse them off and the makeup would never come out on the first try, so it became a serious lather-rinse-repeat situation. Then you had wet brushes that you had to set out to dry for 12+ hours (24 if your house is as cold as mine in the winter). What do you do if your brush still isn't dry in the morning? Not to mention I once had a set of expensive brushes, that in my lather-rinse-repeat, I went a bit to heavy on the rinse and softened the glue. The hair started falling out slowly as I applied my makeup, until one morning a big clump fell out and that was the end of my expensive bushes. Waaaaaaah!

Enter the cleaner of my dreams, no more water, not more lather-rinse-repeat, no more hunching over the sink for what seemed like hours. Hello you magic bottle that smells like heaven and cleans better than Mary Popins.  

So how does this magic work? It is really to simple, grab your dirtiest brush, a couple paper towels and Restore Brush Cleaner. 


Spritz your brush with Restore


Swirl that bad boy on the paper towel


When you are not getting anymore makeup on the paper towel your done. Take a look at that brand new beauty. 



It is ready to use!! Yep, you read that right NO DRYING TIME!! Sorry I didn't mean to yell! I just get a bit excited about products that save me time and lots of lather-rinse-repeat. Also, did I mention that it conditions and sanitizes too! 

Here is the link to get yours now!! 


Happy Cleaning!