Do You Want More From Your Light Coverage Foundation?

When you think about highlight and contour, do you automatically think full coverage?


I used to and then I found IIID foundation. I have always preferred a light or medium coverage to full coverage foundation. I always felt the more I cover up the less I look like me, I have freckles, so without freckles I am just not Megan. I used to watch YouTube highlight and contour tutorial, I always thought that it just wasn’t something I could do because I didn’t want full coverage. I also thought I want natural looking makeup and it didn’t seem like I could look natural and also highlight and contour.

I was so very wrong. Using creams, it is possible to get beautiful light coverage and highlight and contour. Contour makes your foundation look more natural. Covering up your whole face with one solid color is what looks unnatural.

Does this sound like you? Do you love a natural, light coverage look? Does a CC cream just not quite do it for you? I am with you!

Check out my video to see how I get beautiful light coverage, one layer highlight and contour that takes less than 10 minutes. It is all about cream, you can get the moisturizing of a CC cream with the natural shadows of contour by using the right brush.

Let me help you find the perfect colors for you! Tell me all about your skin and makeup goals and I will personalize your makeup to you CLICK HERE.

Mama, It's Okay to Say Pregnancy Sucks

It is the last day of 2019 and as I reflect on the last year, one thing is clear. I hate being pregnant. Yep I said it. I feel like that isn’t something that you are supposed to say. People constantly ask how you are feeling when you are pregnant, but when you actually tell them how you feel, they look at you like you are crazy. When I was pregnant with my first, I was sick until halfway through my third trimester, in case trimesters mean nothing to you that is 7 months of throwing up and being nauseous. This time around I am currently at the 7 month mark, about the place I was in my last pregnancy where the nausea subsided, and I am still throwing up, unless I am on anti-nausea medication.

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Easy Messy Space Buns Tutorial

Lately my hair has been up more than down. Instead of just tossing it up in a messy bun or a ponytail, I’ve been trying to make it look like I made an effort without actually making to much of an effort.

I just made it into my third trimester with baby number two and I am tired and sleeping in sounds way better than washing, drying and styling my hair. To be honest, I felt this way when I wasn’t pregnant, but lately stretching my hair into day 5 with out washing sounds even better. I even rocked 5 day hair for our family photos, seriously, this is a whole new level of lazy hair even for me. Can you tell??

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Makeup You Can Do In the Car


When you are a Mom it seems like getting out the door is nearly impossible, it doesn't seem to matter if you are just running to the grocery store or going on a European vacation (Oh how I wish I was headed for a European Vacation!). There are melt downs and extreme aversion to a hair brush, lost shoes, forgotten necessities (aka a toy that has been sitting forgotten in the bottom of the toy box for the last six months!) and getting everyone to pee. Where in that madness is time for you to comb your hair and put on your makeup? Did you find an extra 30 minutes to make yourself presentable? 

Girl don't sweat it, make your husband drive and get yourself looking gorgeous in less that five minutes on your way. Or better yet, buckle/strap the kiddos in and do it in the parking lot of you destination. Or even in the MickyDee's drive through, get your makeup done, grab a extra large coffee and an egg McMuffin and a block of hash browns for the kids. I wont judge, in fact I might be a bit jealous, there isn't a MickyDee's within a 2 hour drive of my house.


Life is easier when my 2 year old is strapped in her car seat! Instead of me constantly peeking around corners and finding her riding the dog around the living room (kidding, sort of) she is strapped in and munching a banana. This little bit of piece of mind allows me to go from a 20 minute makeup routine to a 5 minute makeup routine.

Throw your hair up in a mom bun, get your kiddo to the car, flip down that visor mirror and get yourself looking gorgeous. It is easy when you only have 4 things to take with you. My compact holds my highlight, contour, blush, illuminator, bronzer, eye shadows and setting powder, so the only other things I have to take are my brush, mascara and setting spray. 

Take my color match quiz and let me help you get a single compact that holds it all. Make mornings stress free, strap in and get gorgeous!