Why you should stop washing your face


I stopped washing my face about 6 months ago and I wondered why I didn’t do this 20 years ago? My skin is the best it has ever been at 35 years old! Why did no one tell me when I was 15 and had teenage acne to stop washing my face? So I’m telling you now!

Stop washing your face!

Ok, so I do cleanse my face once a day, I use a gentle non-foaming cleanser at night. Only at night, my face isn’t dirty in the morning, so no need to wash it.

Why did I make this switch in my skincare routine?

I have always thought that I had combination skin, really oily in my T-zone and dry everywhere else. I had frequent breakouts and even more severe hormonal breakouts. Hated my skin, I struggled with makeup it wouldn’t stay on the oily parts of my face and clung to the dry patches. I had always believed that oil was the enemy. So, as a teenager the more I broke out the more I would wash my face, the harsher the cleansers I would use. I used gritty exfoliating acne wash that I paid hundreds of dollars for and my skin only seemed to get worse.

Like most Americans I was washing my face twice a day. This over cleansing was doing more to damage then good for my skin. I was stripping the natural sebum in my skin, sebum is produced by glands under your skin and secreted through the pores. This oily, waxy sebum is what naturally hydrates and causes skin to be waterproof. Harsh cleansers strip the sebum and can cause the sebaeous glands to work overtime to produce more sebum. This over production causes clogged pores and breakouts and less hydration causes the dry flakey patches.

Tres Leches for the Win!

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 I was given the Tres Leches skincare system to try, non-foaming mild cleanser, toner and moisturizer. The recommend use was nightly use only. So I switched to this new routine, but clinging to what I had always know I kept cleansing two times a day. It was a difficult change for me, I was used to the tight clean feeling of a soap or harsh cleanser. My skin seemed oily and my makeup seemed to melt off during the day. I thought, I guess this just doesn’t work for my skin type. Instead of stopping and going back to my old routine, I though, I’ll give it a try as they suggested. So, I gave up cleanser, tonner and moisturizer in the morning. I just quickly rinse or wipe my face with a damp cloth and put on my makeup. The difference was amazing! No more dry patches, no more oily, oily T-zone and my breakouts are primarily hormonal with the rare lone zit. The breakouts I do have seem to clear up quicker than they did before.  My makeup goes on smooth and stays on throughout the day. For the first time in my adult life feel like I can leave the house without makeup (ok, ok I still can’t leave without mascara).

The textured skin that was always on my forehead and my chin from blackheads or whiteheads forming is all gone. My skin is smooth!! I am getting complements on how great my skin looks! So, even if you are 35 with kiddos, it’s not too late to have great skin. Plus when you have kids, do you really get time to wash your face in the morning anyway?


Makeup You Can Do In the Car


When you are a Mom it seems like getting out the door is nearly impossible, it doesn't seem to matter if you are just running to the grocery store or going on a European vacation (Oh how I wish I was headed for a European Vacation!). There are melt downs and extreme aversion to a hair brush, lost shoes, forgotten necessities (aka a toy that has been sitting forgotten in the bottom of the toy box for the last six months!) and getting everyone to pee. Where in that madness is time for you to comb your hair and put on your makeup? Did you find an extra 30 minutes to make yourself presentable? 

Girl don't sweat it, make your husband drive and get yourself looking gorgeous in less that five minutes on your way. Or better yet, buckle/strap the kiddos in and do it in the parking lot of you destination. Or even in the MickyDee's drive through, get your makeup done, grab a extra large coffee and an egg McMuffin and a block of hash browns for the kids. I wont judge, in fact I might be a bit jealous, there isn't a MickyDee's within a 2 hour drive of my house.


Life is easier when my 2 year old is strapped in her car seat! Instead of me constantly peeking around corners and finding her riding the dog around the living room (kidding, sort of) she is strapped in and munching a banana. This little bit of piece of mind allows me to go from a 20 minute makeup routine to a 5 minute makeup routine.

Throw your hair up in a mom bun, get your kiddo to the car, flip down that visor mirror and get yourself looking gorgeous. It is easy when you only have 4 things to take with you. My compact holds my highlight, contour, blush, illuminator, bronzer, eye shadows and setting powder, so the only other things I have to take are my brush, mascara and setting spray. 

Take my color match quiz and let me help you get a single compact that holds it all. Make mornings stress free, strap in and get gorgeous!